New Claims Guide

Ox Car Care Claims Filing Instruction Guide

Step 1: Take Your Vehicle to an ASE Certified Mechanic

  1. Begin by taking your vehicle to the nearest ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified repair facility. Ensure that the mechanic is equipped to diagnose and repair the issue with your vehicle.

Step 2: Submit Estimate to Ox Claims

  1. Ask your repair facility to prepare a detailed estimate of the repairs needed.
  2. The repair facility should then submit this estimate directly to Ox Car Care at
  3. Once the estimate is received, an auto-response email with further details and instructions will be sent to the repair facility's email address.

Step 3: Provide Service History

  1. It's important to provide all service history records of your vehicle from the time you purchased your Ox policy. This information is crucial for processing your claim.
  2. If there is no service history post the purchase of your Ox policy, please provide 1 to 2 months of service history from before the policy purchase date.

Step 4: Leave Your Vehicle at the Repair Shop

  1. After initiating the repair process, leave your vehicle at the repair shop.
  2. Important: If for any reason you need to remove the vehicle from the repair shop after a repair order has been sent to Ox, contact Ox Car Care immediately, or arrange for the vehicle to be towed.
  3. Warning: Driving the vehicle away from the repair facility after a repair order has been emailed to Ox will void your request for repair. For more details, refer to your contract.

Further Assistance

  1. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact the Ox Claims Department at 844-299-0885, Opt./Ext 2.

Maintenance Reimbursement Instructions

  1. Submit your receipt for oil changes or tire reimbursements to
  2. You will receive a check in the mail within 2 weeks after the invoice is received.

Remember:Following these steps accurately is essential for a smooth and efficient claims process. We at Ox Car Care are committed to assisting you every step of the way.

More protection for your vehicle. More value in your pocket.

Peace of mind that you & your family can count on.